A message from ChildrenZville



Good Day Parents,

As you look forward to a long weekend we hope and pray that you will continue to stay safe. We want to remind you that we have Sabbath School Zoom Style! We look forward to seeing you there. 
We are now in a good routine, therefore Sabbath School will begin at 9:45 am as of May 16. 
If you are looking for your class quarterly, go to our church's website under the news feed, from ChildrenZville: https://www.ottawasda.org/news-events/covid-19-news/a-message-from-childrenzville1
You will find the links for each class lesson.
Exciting news: our real-time faith class (early teens: 12-14 yrs) is having bible studies on Wednesdays at 7pm. Please contact us at janice.daniel@ottawaadventist.church if you have any questions. 
After Sabbath School, please stick around as we will be having our children's story!
Parents, after logging on to Zoom, you will need to:

  1. Rename your screen to your child/children's first name and age/s, by clicking the 3 dots in the upper right corner of the zoom screen, click "rename" from the menu. This ensures they get to the right class.
  2. The host will send you an invitation to "Join breakout room". Click join and voila! Your child/children/youth will be in their class. 

The pop up will look similar to this:


Please share this with anyone that can benefit from this program.
We look forward to seeing you!
Sincerely yours,

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