AY Remix: Black Lives Matter



As promised, we invite you to join us this Friday night (June 5, 2020) at 8 PM for REMIX, an open forum to share thoughts and express feelings on #BlackLivesMatter and recent incidents of police brutality.

We intend on having subsequent meetings to determine the best course of action moving forward. 

For now, we want to hear from you. This is a platform made available for sharing and caring for one another. 
Ottawa SDA Church is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

1. Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 878 4982 3560
Password: Benjamin

2. Mobile 
1 647 374 4685 Canada        
Meeting ID: 878 4982 3560
Password: 821852

3. Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kvbgJFwIx

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