Camp Meeting: Connecting - Like Jesus


Over 7,000 people attended our last in-person camp meeting at the International Centre in Mississauga. This year, due to COVID-19 restrictions, we will shift operations from offline to online.  Also new, we will host a combined camp meeting and ministries’ convention, where church departmental leaders will benefit from ministry training. Speakers will include G. Alexander Bryant, NAD president, John Bradshaw, It is Written president and Ivan Williams, NAD Ministerial Association director. 

From Tuesday to Friday night, we will host evening worship services. Wednesday to Friday will also include early morning prayer, morning worship, Bible study, specialized and general ministries leadership training and mini-concerts. We will host our grand finale—camp meeting Sabbath—on July 3.  
Foundational to every aspect of this combined camp meeting/ministries convention is our theme, “Connecting—Like Jesus.” We pray that this virtual gathering will lead participants into a more loving relationship with Jesus and with each other; and motivate them to commit to leading others into a more loving relationship with Jesus. 

Like every initiative this year, camp meeting will address the fact that 66% of our churches are declining and plateauing. As we heard during last month’s Days of Prayer and Fasting, now is the time to awake from complacency and follow Christ’s method for the 21st century, both online and offline.
Please save the dates so you can join us in being inspired to gain the tools to be more relevant and enter years of multiplication in this conference.

Click here to read a letter from President Mansfield Edwards on what we can look forward to at the 2021 Virtual Camp Meeting.

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