7:00 am: Early Morning Prayer
In Steps to Christ, Ellen White reminds us, “Prayer is the opening of the heart to God as to a friend. Not that it is necessary in order to make known to God what we are, but in order to enable us to receive Him. Prayer does not bring God down to us, but brings us up to Him” (93.1). In our early morning prayer sessions, we will start the day strong by setting our minds on things above.
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9:00 am: Children’s Church
You’re invited to an enriching, exciting camp meeting experience for children at Children’s Church. There, children and Children’s Ministries leaders will “Connect Like Jesus” in worship through prayer, story, preaching, puppetry and singing. Come to a place where children learn to say yes to Jesus! Join here
10:00 am: Adult Sabbath School
During the Adult Sabbath School, we will dive into how to have a growing, life-changing relationship with Jesus and, from the living water we have received, become a spring of living water for others. Join here
11:05 am: Worship Service
During the Sabbath mid-day service, worshipers will experience God in a fresh way. Ivan L. Williams, director of the Ministerial Department, NAD, will preach in our penultimate Sabbath session, urging us to depend on the Holy Spirit for growth and maturity in Jesus. Join here
4:00 pm: Children’s Sabbath School
Join us for the Children’s Sabbath School, where Kindergarten, Primary, and Juniors will “Connect Like Jesus” using the stories of the Bible. Through these stories, children will learn how to use spiritual principles to navigate life’s journey as young disciples. Come to a place where children can learn to follow Jesus and use their gifts to share Jesus with the community.
5:30 pm: Special Charge to Workers
This year has been a particular challenge for our pastors, but they have risen to the challenge, doing ministry without borders. Pastor James Black, NAD chaplain, Prayer Ministries, will lead us in a special service of consecration and thanksgiving for all Ontario Conference pastors.
6:15 pm: Concert
Music from talented individuals across our conference will lift your hearts in praise and thanksgiving as the day winds down. Join us as we make a joyful noise unto the Lord!
7:15 pm: Final Evening Service
Sabbath evening, we will end our 2021 Virtual Camp Meeting on a high note with a powerful closing message by Dr. Ivan L. Williams. His charge to all attendees will inspire them to let the Holy Spirit grow and mature them in Christ as they continue their discipleship journey.
To connect: Ontario Conference YouTube channel